Validity: 1 Month
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Unlimited Browsing @300 Kbps speed post 12GB
Validity: 1 Month
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Unlimited Browsing @300 Kbps speed post 24GB
Validity: 1 Month
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Unlimited Browsing @300 Kbps speed post 32GB
Validity: 1 Month
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Unlimited Browsing @300 Kbps speed post 50GB
Validity: 1 Month
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Unlimited Browsing @300 Kbps speed post 60GB
Validity: 1 Month
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Unlimited Browsing @512 Kbps speed post 80GB
Validity: 1 Month
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Unlimited Browsing @512 Kbps speed post 145GB
Validity: 1 Month
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Unlimited Browsing @512 Kbps speed post 175GB
Validity: 1 Month
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Unlimited Browsing @512 Kbps speed post 200GB
Spectranet ‘Jara’ is a loyalty program (Recharge and Earn) designed to reward our loyal subscribers. It’s Simple…Renew your account, Only on 30days Validity Plans.
Jara points are loyalty rewards that customers receive for renewing eligible plans with Spectranet. These points can be accumulated and redeemed for various benefits..
You earn Jara points by renewing your eligible Spectranet plan. For every renewal made within 7 days of account expiry, you receive 10% of the renewal amount as Jara points.
Jara points are available for renewal on eligible plans only. Long validity plans, Ultra value plans, internal accounts, test accounts, dealer, and channel partner accounts are not eligible for Jara points
Yes, you can accumulate Jara points. Once you reach a minimum of 3000 points, you can start redeeming them.
Renewals processed after 7 days of account expiry will not be eligible for Jara points. However, you will become eligible for Jara points on subsequent renewals if plan is renewed within 7 days.
Yes, inactive customers who have been inactive for 7 days or more will not be eligible for Jara points upon renewal. However, they will become eligible for Jara points on subsequent renewals if processed within 7 days of account expiry.
You can redeem your Jara points by logging into the Spectranet self-care portal at and clicking on the Jara Point check box while initiating renew/change plan action.
If your plan is not renewed or Jara points are not redeemed within 7 days of plan expiry, the Jara points will expire.
No, Jara points cannot be suspended due to a customer being out of coverage area.
No, account suspension does not sustain Jara points. Jara points will remain unaffected.
No, Jara points cannot be transferred from one account to another.
No, lost Jara points cannot be regained.
You can accumulate as many Jara points as you renew within 7 days of plan expiry. Jara points will be added and accumulated accordingly.
Yes, if your plan is still active within the swap period or within 7 days after plan expiry, you will recover your Jara points.
No, compensation will only be provided for lost validity days as per Spectranet’s Compensation policy.
Jara points are valid for 365 days. Users are advised to redeem them within this period, or they will be forfeited.
Jara points redeemed can only be used for plan renewal not as credit in monetary balance.
Any Spectranet customer who renews on any of Spectranet’s Domore Plan, Kulele Plan, Always ON Plan, 3D Plan, Unlimited Plans, and Mini Plans is eligible for Jara points.
No, Jara points are only awarded upon plan renewal. Since no renewal was posted, you are not eligible for Jara points.
To renew using the Jara Points, eligible customers need to click on “Use SPECTRANET JARA POINTS” while attempting to renew, and the Loyalty Reward Points (Jara points) will be utilized for the plan renewal.
No, eligible Customers can no longer redeem the Reward points into their Monetary Balance but can only be used to renew their plan.
No, if an eligible customer uses the funds in their loyalty reward wallet (Jara wallet) to renew their plan, the same will not be eligible for Jara points for that specific renewal. However, if the customer initiates plan renewal using their monetary balance while using part of the Jara points to compensate for the deficit in plan amount, the renewal will be eligible for 10% of the renewal amount as Jara points.
The following plans do not qualify for Jara points: