Data Rollover Information, Terms & Conditions
- Data Rollover is the event where subscribers are allowed to carry any unused data from the current Month (billing cycle) to the next Month (billing cycle).
- Data Rollover does not apply to Unlimited data plans and time-based data plans
- Unused data can be rolled over if the consumer renews on or before the expiry of GRACE PERIOD
- Grace period: This is the additional time frame provided to customers to renew their account and roll over the unused or left over data to the subsequent billing cycle (Capped Plans Only)
- Rolled-over or left-over data cannot be exchanged for cash, hence it’s neither refundable, transferable nor use as subscription renewal
- Any unused data will not be rolled over, if the subscription is not renewed before expiry of grace period No service extension will be granted after expiry date, in order to retain rolled-over or left-over balance
- All data volumes acquired as bonus will not qualify for rollover. Data volume given through promotion or as free, needs to be consumed while the current subscription is valid
- Subscription renewal to Data Capped Plans only will ensure roll over of unused data or left over data into the next Billing cycle
- Service Renewal for the next billing cycle confirms your acceptance of all SPECTRANET LIMITED Terms and Conditions
- On expiration of a data plan, unused data will be rolled over upon renewal within the grace periods stated as follows: